Website template vs. website custom design: which to choose?

Website template vs. website custom design: which to choose?

2023-08-13 - By Adveits Blog - Comments (0) - Web development

Today, almost all businesses have websites. It has become a necessary part of our lives. Without a website, many businesses simply would not exist nowadays.

Building a website is a time-consuming process. Luckily, you do not always have to do it from scratch – a website template is exactly what you may need. Find out more about this topic below.

Website template or website custom design?

It is a difficult question, and there is no right or wrong answer – it depends on many factors. So, we can describe both template and design for you, and you can choose from them.

A website template is a pre-design page with all the important elements. It is usually very easy to install a template, so you can save time. Also, money is a key here, because templates are quite affordable. It does not require coding, but the customization process is limited. Still, a website template is a great option for someone who does not need something very unique. You can find more about templates here.

A website custom design is an entirely new customized design that is created by developers and web designers. Different businesses need different websites, and you may want that yours would be unique. So, in this case, you may like custom designs. But remember – it requires time as well as money.

Factors to consider

As we said, there is no right or wrong answer to what to choose. It depends on a variety of factors. While for some companies template-based website is the right option, others may need a custom design. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Budget. A website is not a place to save money. It is one of the most important elements of branding. It sounds pretty in theory, however, not all businesses can afford custom designs. But do not worry – you can choose from a variety of templates. Nowadays, there are a lot of options. So, for small businesses with limited budgets a template is the right choice;
  • Time. A custom design requires 2-4 months to build depending on the size. However, a template can be installed very quickly.  So, choose a template if you need to launch a website in less than two months;
  • Functionality. A template can be a little inflexible when it comes to functionality. A custom web design can offer you more functions than a template, but it does not mean a template is a bad choice. If you want a very elaborate website, choose a custom design. If template-based is enough for you, make sure a template is fully-responsive.


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