Wilex – complete OpenCart 3 wireframe for Figma. It is optimized to structure any OpenCart 3 e-commerce design projects really fast and easy while getting great results. Wilex is based on 12 columns Bootstrap grid and this structure is suitable for any design project for OpenCart 3.
Template Features
- Full width 1920px
- Grid 1140px
- Vector icons
- Free Google fonts
- Symbol page included
- Text styles included
- Easy & 100% customizable Figma files
- All layer has been named and grouped properly
Wireframe contains 56 pages:
- Home
- Login
- Forgotten password
- 404
- Register
- Search no results
- Product
- Product category grid
- Product category list
- Search results
- My account
- Edit information
- Change password
- Address book
- Address book empty
- Add address
- Edit address
- My wish list empty
- My wish list
- Affiliate
- Affiliate tracking
- Order history empty
- Order history
- Order history view
- Downloads empty
- Downloads
- Reward points empty
- Reward points
- Product returns empty
- Product returns
- Return information
- Your transactions empty
- Your transactions
- Recurring payments empty
- Recurring payments
- Recurring payment view
- Newsletter
- Cart
- Cart estimate shipping and taxes
- Cart use coupon code
- Cart use gift certificate
- Checkout step1 checkout options
- Checkout step2 billing details ( Existing Address )
- Checkout step2 billing details ( New Address )
- Checkout step3 delivery details ( Existing Address )
- Checkout step3 delivery details ( New Address )
- Checkout step4 delivery method
- Checkout step5 payment method
- Checkout step6 confirm order
- Checkout success
- Contact us
- Returns
- Site map
- Brands
- Purchase a gift certificate
- Special offers
- DM Sans ( https://fonts.google.com/specimen/DM+Sans )
- Font Awesome ( https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet?from=io )
Wilex Available Versions
Customer Feedbacks
Wilex – OpenCart 3 Wireframe for Figma